Inspiratiebijeenkomst onderwijs: Wereldburgerschap & Omgevingsgericht leren
Gedurende het schooljaar organiseert Brainport verschillende inspiratie- en netwerkbijeenkomsten voor onderwijsprofessionals (in opleiding) uit de Brainportregio. Deze staan in het teken van ontmoeting, verbinding, inspiratie en inhoudelijke verdieping op de kernthema’s: technologie, internationalisering, creativiteit en ondernemerschap.
Thema: Wereldburgerschap & Omgevingsgericht leren
Datum: Woensdagmiddag 24 mei 2023
Locatie: International School Eindhoven (ISE)
Deze bijeenkomst is mede mogelijk gemaakt door een bijdrage uit de Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven
Inhoud Workshops
Using Universal Design for Learning to support language learners
How can we design our lessons in such a way that they are inclusive to everyone? Which tools and strategies can we use to ensure we cater to all the needs in our classroom, especially our international students?
Tech tools to help with international integration (Dutch)
Looking together at a range of tools that can help with international integration into your lessons, for example, Google arts and Culture, Google Earth, and how to use this in collaboration.
Global Missions
Global Missions is an inquiry-based teaching structure in which students develop their understanding of a real-world problem throughout all subject areas, then put that knowledge into practice as they collaboratively design solutions to the challenge. We base the problems to solve on the United Nations' sustainable development goals.
- Making learning authentic; Using your network in the classroom
Why your network is important and how you can better use it in the classroom.
World Citizenship Academy
The World Citizenship Academy is a cooperation project for primary and secondary schools in the Brainport region and schools from other countries. Students of the matched schools work in mixed teams on societal challenges. A teacher who participates, and shares experiences, tips, and tricks.
- Culturally Responsive Teaching; Preparing students for a global future
Culturally Responsive Teaching means using students’ customs, characteristics, experiences, and perspectives as tools for better classroom instruction.
Equity in the classroom
How do we create a sense of belonging and inclusion for our students to support their learning and well-being in our curriculum and community? This session aims to share our experience establishing an equity coalition at our school, spearheaded by both the student council and the teachers, to support you with tools and strategies to start this conversation in your school. We will share our step-by-step process while leaving space for individuals to share how this might work in their cultural context. This workshop can also help you with more difficult conversations in school around race, gender, privilege, ableism, and more, and give you resources to work with.
A Tour Focusing on International Mindedness
A focus school tour looking at international mindedness and where it is seen throughout the school.
More fair testing in multilingual educational contexts
A growing group of students is being educated in a language that is not their first language. First, linguistic diversity in society and education is increasing; many students speak a language other than or in addition to Dutch at home. Second, the number of students receiving bilingual education is also growing. This situation brings challenges, including in the area of testing. Multilingual students can't show their full potential when assessed in a language they are still acquiring. In this interactive lecture, we will explore how insights from research translate into ways to shape testing practices more multilingual and thus more fairly.