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Ontdek Brainport

Ondernemen & Innoveren

Leren & Werken

Partnership Brainport Eindhoven & PSV

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Energizing Day 2024

Datum: dindag 19 november 2024
Tijd: 10.00 - 18:00
Locatie: TU/e campus, Auditorium in Eindhoven

Save the date!

Op dinsdag 19 november 2024 vindt de Energiedag plaats, getiteld: 'Innovation powering the energy revolution'. We kijken ernaar uit je persoonlijk te ontmoeten! Schrijf je in en bewaar de datum in je agenda:

Programma (onder constructie)

9.30 - 10.00

Inloop, registratie, koffie & thee



Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Brabec | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg - Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology

Moniek Tromp | Director of Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (Universiteit Groningen) – Full Professor Materials Chemistry

Andrew Bissel | Sunamp Ltd - CEO  & Prof. Dr. Colin Pulham | School of Chemistry, The University of Endinburgh – Professor of High-Pressure Chemistry
Topic: Cool Crystals – From Hand-Warmers to Heating Homes, together with Colin R. Pulham

Andrea Mazza | Politecnico di Torino - Associate Professor of Power Systems
Topic: Power system resilience: current status and future trends

Prof. Kirsten Gram-Hanssen | Aalborg University – Professor of Sustainable Cities and Everyday Practice
Topic: Users and (smart) energy management – why do they behave different from what we think and what to do about it?  

(inkl. walking Lunch en presentaties op de beursvloer)


Drankjes, netwerken met sprekers en deelnemers.


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