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Learn & Work

Whether you are learning, studying or working, Brainport Eindhoven offers limitless opportunities for growth. Your success depends on the way you overcome your challenges. Please contact Brainport if you need any support. We will help you gain more knowledge and new perspectives or we will just answer your questions.

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The Brainport region offers plenty of opportunities and possibilities, for everyone. And if you enjoy doing something, you automatically use your talents.

Talents show who you really are, what you like to do and what gives you pleasure. Here, in the Brainport region, we look for that which gives you pleasure. That starts from childhood. We believe that fun is the basis for job happiness and therefore success.

So in this region, we take having fun seriously. Especially at times that determine your child's future. It's so often about having to, performing, what do you want to study? But what really makes a child happy? That should determine a study choice. Brainport for Education helps to start the conversation about joy!

Take fun seriously!

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How do you start a conversation with your child about talent and fun? 

When children are challenged to use their talents, it creates fun. The combination of talent and fun ultimately contributes to the right choice towards later, towards the future, towards an advanced education.

Young people.... talking to them can sometimes be quite a challenge. Often, you don't get much more than 'yes', 'no', 'duh', and 'don't care!'

Despite all good intentions, something can always go wrong in a conversation between parents and their child. Here are some common pitfalls, along with ways to avoid them:


  • Showing genuine interest: ‘Tell me! I really want to know.'
  • The trick is to ask questions that encourage your child to talk further. This can also mean making suggestions: is it this? Or is it that? 
  • Do like Socrates. Show interest, ask further questions and listen more than tell them yourself. You will be amazed at the insights such a conversation can lead to, if your child feels equally treated and respected.
  • Try to keep in mind that there are things your child sometimes knows more about than you. For example, ask: ‘In your opinion, what makes a teacher a good teacher?’
  • Be authentic, your child will see right through you if you put on a ‘show.

      Not so helpful

      • Suggesting solutions (‘If I were you, I'd...’)
      • Excessive praise (‘It's so clever that you have a job besides school and sport’)
      • Ridiculing and swearing (‘Typical of you, such a stupid reaction’)
      • Analysing and psychologising (‘I think you actually mean something else’)
      • Comforting without acknowledging the problem (‘Whatever it is, it will all be all right again’)

      Finally, don't forget to laugh! Even in a serious conversation, humour and a little provocation take the edge off. You can be sure that having fun together will make your child happy too.

      Having fun and discovering talent together?

      Many inspiring activities and events are scheduled throughout the year in the Brainport region. To visit, discover and have fun together.

      Open days Summa College

      Every year in November and January, you are welcome to attend Summa open. Discover what you enjoy. Saturday, November 2, 2024 (10:00 -15:00) Sunday, January 26, 2025 (10:00 - 15:00)

      Visit Summa open

      High Tech Discovery Route - June 15 2025

      During the High Tech Discovery Route, the Brainport region's finest companies open their doors. Those who walk in with friends, family or relatives will discover the real stories behind the finest tech innovations.

      Visit High Tech Discovery Route


      On Thursday 5 June 2025, high school students (14+) will be immersed and inspired on and around STRIJP-S/Clock Building for the future (their future) in which the combination of Technology and Creativity will be leading.


      Next Nature Museum

      A place where humans, nature and technology come together and challenge each other? Be amazed in the Next Nature Museum. 'Spaceship Netherlands' offering a diversity of future-proof and inspiring experiences.

      Visit Next Nature Museum

      Philips Museum - Mission Eureka

      Mission Eureka gives you insights into Philips inventions, which remain secret from other visitors. You play Mission Eureka with your friends, parents or grandpa and grandma in a team of 2, 3 or 4 people. Age 8 to 100.

      Visit Mission Eureka

      DAF Museum

      At the DAF Museum, you will fall from one surprise to another. Discover the inventive innovations over the years.

      Visit the DAF Museum

      This campaign has been made possible by Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven and the following partners of Brainport for Education: