What can an international student do for me?
Difference between knowledge workers and students
Well-educated staff is hard to come by. In your search for talented employees, you may also be interested in hiring talented (international) students. Many companies do not know the difference between well-educated international knowledge workers, who are coming to the Netherlands to find a job, and international students, who are coming here to study, graduate and then start looking for a job. Those students and knowledge workers are coming from both European (EEA) and non-European countries (non-EEA).
Hiring an international graduate
We offer the graduates from non-European countries, who need a visa to come here, a so-called orientation year. During this year, companies can easily hire these graduates. If you know what to do, it isn’t complicated to hire a graduate from a non-European country. You can find more information on Holland Alumni.
Brabant International Students
To enable companies to meet talented international students, the universities located in the Brainport region and the Holland Expat Center South have started the Brabant International Students project. They link graduating international students to companies that are looking for talent by organizing various events. Please contact Brainport Development if you want to participate in one of these events.