WCA voor primair onderwijs

Choose a challenge but remember: the challenges are just the starting point. You can alter them in any way you agree upon with your partner.

The WCA is a platform to find challenges to take on with your pupils in coordination with a foreign partner. The challenges are subject to your own interpretation, you can change them and/or add extra content to your liking.

Please make good arrangements on how you and your foreign colleague are going to work together. One lesson a week or making it a project for a few days? Having Zoom or Teams meetings? How do the children work together and communicate?

Mind you; working together with a colleague in a different group takes dedication and commitment..

Let's celebrate

share customs and habits when celebrating a birthday

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Memory game

From country to country

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DIY fitness ideas

Share your DIY fitness ideas and stay fit

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Welcome to the party

Share your digital dance

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Mama used to say

Compare live in another country with live in the home country

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Traditional Art

Teach each other a decorative art form

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Eat your plate

Have the children talk about dinner

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Secret seeds

Exchange secret plant seeds with a partner school and monitor its growth

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A story in Warli

Explain Warli and have a go

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Dad, that butterfly is wearing my pyjama!

Biodiversity on the planet

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A day at my school

Junior WCA: describe a schoolday at your school

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Global Missions

Global Missions is an inquiry-based teaching structure in which students develop their understanding of a real-world challenge throughout all subject areas, then put that knowledge into practice as they collaboratively design solutions to the challenge.

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