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Mobility Lab Final Event 2022 Edition

To close the 2022 edition of Mobility Lab, join us for an interactive insight into this year's entrepreneurial endeavors!


Datum:  13th of February 2023  |  14:30 - 19:30
Locatie:  Evoluon Eindhoven | 1A Noord Brantlaan

We did less talking, and more testing: The final event for Mobility Lab will be in the Evoluon in Eindhoven on February 13. Is this date already in your diary?

Mobility Lab accelerates the development of startups that are ready to set up their first real-life pilot. We introduce you to our extensive network of launching customers and provide you with tailor-made financial, legal, and PR support and guidance. This way startups can grow faster.
This year, 18 fantastic startups were chosen to join our programme, alongside several innovative launching customers who took the step to pilot with us. We will close the 2022 edition together at our end event to put all entrepreneurs in the spotlight and to share experiences together.

Let's raise a glass to another innovative year in the world of mobility!

Interactive Sessions:

Please choose from:

1. A session on the procurement of innovation:
It is often assumed that committing to innovative partnerships takes a lot of time and effort with an uncertain result. In this workshop we'll take the participants through the possibilities of procuring innovations, including the rules regarding Precommercial procurement.

2. A session on the in's & out's of securing an investment as a startup:
A startup is often highly dependent on financial investment, but can be left in the dark when it comes to what will secure them that investment, & what follows once the investment has been made. In this group discussion, we will hear the different sides of what it means to win an investment, is it always a good time to try and gain an investment, and are there other considerations to make?


Market & closing program

The space in the Evoluon offers a great opportunity for a market place. To celebrate this year's startups, we will offer them, and alumni a market stall, in order to spotlight their entrepreuneurship & pilots during their time with us.

We will close the event with a network drinks reception from 18:00 - this event is not to be missed!

I'll be there! Arrow icon