Kick-off JPI CoNECT project: May 2022
Under the umbrella of the UDI, Eindhoven University of Technology, Gemeente Eindhoven and Brainport Smart District have partnered and acquired funding through the Joint Program Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe, Capacities for Urban Transformation scheme. The JPI-Urban Europe project ‘CoNECT: Collective Networks for Everyday Community Resilience and Ecological Transition’ brings together researchers, practitioners, institutions and civic initiatives from six EU countries – Romania, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Spain – to map, analyze and connect local civic initiatives that are building resilient futures from the bottom up.
The project kicked off at the end of May with a two-day workshop. The partners met and discussed shared definitions, methodologies and the timeline of the project. Over the next three years, they will produce an interactive map, online resources, and platform for knowledge-sharing to allow initiatives to learn from each other and to sustain and scale their practices. In addition, two Living Labs in the Eindhoven-Helmond region will allow researchers to test out these lessons in real time with the active participation of citizens, and inspire others to participate in the creation of more resilient future neighborhoods.
For more details about the project activities please contact Oana Druta,