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Effective Media Communication: A Key Skill for Start-Ups

The gate academy Eindhoven

by Serge van Rooy, Bex*
28 October 2024 | 14:00-17:00

Alpha Building, room 2.12

Training | Advanced

Effective communication with the media is a crucial skill for start-ups. Our media training is specifically designed to help you meet this challenge. Learn the art of being concise and persuasive, and how to maintain control during interviews. What You Will Learn: *Concise and Powerful Communication: Develop the skill to articulate your ideas clearly and succinctly, which is essential in a fast-paced media environment.*Maintaining Control in Interviews: Learn strategies to keep the lead in conversations with journalists, even under pressure. This training offers practical exercises and personal feedback to enhance your skills. It's a valuable step for any start-up wanting to effectively convey their message in the media. Sign up to improve your media skills and advance your start-up.

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