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Our IP support

About Intellectual Property (IP)

Let’s suppose your invention, design or idea turn outs to be the answer to an economic or social need. Are you allowed to market it? We have expertise when it comes to intellectual property rights (because that’s what this is about). In any case, you should take action: check your legal position and make sure you’ve concluded agreements in good time.

When we refer to IP protection, we are usually talking about the process in which protection for a product of creative endeavor is pursued, for example, to encourage third party interest in commercialization. Patent protection, a common legal protection method for technological inventions, begins with the filing of a patent application. Once a patent application has been filed, it may require several years and tens of thousands of euro’s to obtain an issued patent. Other commonly used forms of IP protection include trade secrets, industrial designs, copyrights, and trademarks.

Our team of experts is here to assist you with any IP-related question.

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