29 August 2024
Eindhoven Semicon Summer School attracts worldwide talent
- International talent
- International student
Demand for bandwidth is enormous. Each device that is connected to the web needs access to a data centre. In addition, the amount of energy needed for these kinds of volumes is huge. Existing semiconductor technology is unable to keep up with this, integrated photonics offers a solution.
Photonic chips can reach a much higher data speed and are much more energy efficient. The European Commission recognized Photonics as one of six Key Enabling Technologies that provide the basis for innovation within the European Union. This fast evolving technology can be used in a wide range of applications and technologies in various markets like health, AgroFood, mobility, aerospace, energy, safety and telecom and therefore has a multi-billion market potential.
Brainport Eindhoven is frontrunner in integrated photonics with a significant advantage over other countries in the world. Our knowledge base is very sound as Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has been doing research into photonics for over two decades now. TU/e has managed to dramatically cut chip development costs and has turned its research intro business. Numerous TU/e spinoffs (Effect and Smart Photonics) have accelerated time to market.
We believe that optical chips await a similar future as microelectronics. A field in which Brainport Eindhoven is key-player. Brainport companies like ASML, BESI, ASMI, and NXP have built a complete industry for next generation chips. It is becoming market-ready at a quick pace, and Brainport Eindhoven is where it happens.
Brainport Eindhoven is an important worldwide hub for integrated photonics. It is mainly embodied by The Photon Delta ecosystem, which is the sum of high-tech companies, knowledge institutions and authorities in Brainport that have joined forces to gain a leading position in the development and commercialization of photonics. It provides a European end-to-end ecosystem of 150 companies with experience that varies from design, production and packaging to assembly and integration.