The Netherlands is home to a wide range of highly innovative life sciences and health companies, and research organizations.

Top-of-the-bill research institutes -among which are 12 research universities and 82 hospitals- and a number of public-private partnerships between science, industry and government yearly invest some €2 billion in R&D. The Netherlands is the 2nd country in Europe for export and import of medical devices and holds the 8th position worldwide when it comes to patent applications in the field of life sciences and health. Renown brands like GE, Medtronic, Siemens, Abbott, Philips, Johnson & Johnson mark the Dutch life sciences and health landscape.
How Brainport Eindhoven reinforces your business
Ideal place for technology spotting
Brainport Eindhoven is an ideal place for technology spotting because of its many knowledge institutes and promising start-ups in medical technology that perform ground-breaking research.
Excellent region for piloting
Brainport Eindhoven is an ideal region for piloting because of the small-scale, inventiveness, tech-mindedness of inhabitants and high English proficiency of both clinicians as patients.
Top-notch digital infrastructure
Our excellent digital infrastructure makes Brainport Eindhoven highly suited for pilots testing digital solutions.
Developing technological health solutions with experts and patients
We develop technological health solutions with a central position for the end-user, in close cooperation with engineers, physicians, hospitals and patients.
We help in getting a CE quality label for a global market in a short amount of time
Many high-tech contract manufacturers with a proven track record in health
Large amount of high-tech contract manufacturers with a proven track record in health that help you improve the performance of your technology and products-We help turning medical technology into business