Verum Software Tools

Create, simulate, mathematically verify and automatically generate code
There are several theories about how to improve software development processes. For example, by actively testing the quality of software during the development process. With its software design tool Dezyne, Verum Software technologies, not only facilitates continuous testing but adds an additional advantage namely the possibility to create, simulate, mathematically verify and automatically generate code for cyber-physical systems. In this way you can test scenarios that are beyond your imagination. Result: correctness and reliability.
Less efforts and increase in predictability and quality
Verum Software technologies offers programmers a language that seems familiar to the average programmer. It is based on well-established component-based software engineering principles. Source code for the resultant components is generated directly from Dezyne specification and design models. The consequence is an enormous decrease in development effort and time, and a corresponding increase in process predictability and product quality.

‘Freedom to combine theory and practice’
Johri van Eerd (25) works in R&D at Verum Software Technologies. During an internship he got to know Verum’s software development tools. He became enthusiastic about Verum’s way of approaching software development and wanted to learn more about software development for embedded systems. This resulted in combining a master in embedded software with working for Verum. “I get energy out of performing research and directly applying findings. Verum offers me the flexibility and freedom to do so.”
Tools offer solution for interwovenness of programs
“I studied computer science at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and obtained a master’s degree in embedded systems at Eindhoven University of Technology,” Johri says. “During my internship at Sioux Technologies I got to know Verum’s tool and I was really impressed by the developments in model written software development. I then already noticed the enthusiasm about Verum’s approach among our customers. Historically, software development is a pretty linear process but because of the current interwovenness of programs, test engineers are no longer capable of overseeing the whole. With our tools Verum offers a solution.”
Combining interest with passion for didactics
‘I then contacted Verum for my bachelor graduation assignment. I have written a large number of tutorials for Verum that were aimed at how to use Verum’s software. It was great combining my interest in software development and the passion I have for didactics. I then also discovered that I wanted to learn more about software development for embedded systems. Verum offered me the possibility to combine my studies start a master at Eindhoven University of Technology and work for Verum at the same time.’
Performing and applying research
“This flexibility was good for me, the university and for Verum. I was able to put the theory directly into practice and vice versa. In this way it enriched all of the parties involved. It was a great time, combining research and work, suited me. I do not only want to perform research, but I want to be able to make things that really help people. I feel it is a pity that a lot of excellent research remains unused, I get energy out applying these findings.”
Offering tools to a new generation of developers
“A new generation of developers with a Model Driven Engineering think-level is now being educated. With Verum’s products I want to offer them tools to develop breakthrough software. The good thing about working at Verum is that here I get the possibility and freedom to develop these tools. Working at Verum in general is good. There are few dull days here and you get a lot of responsibility and freedom. Verum is an excellent place for professionals with an analytical mindset an intrinsic motivation.”

Societal impact
Software that improves correctness and safety
Creating, simulating and mathematically verifying code leads to correct and safe software. Something that is essential in certain fields and markets such as, semiconductors, medical systems, aerospace and automotive. Take electron microscopes for instance, when you check a protein sample all conditions have to be perfect or else the sample dies. When the control software of an electron microscope is absolutely correct these samples can be re-used. Verum’s tools automatically generate code of irrefutable quality that can be used to meet product safety and security requirements: essential in ‘a first-time-right’ environment.’

Brainport factor
Unique ecosystem with high concentration of high-tech companies
Verum has close ties with Eindhoven University of Technology. Because of the unique high-tech ecosystem in Brainport Eindhoven a lot of knowledge about developing software for embedded systems is concentrated in the region and so our Verum’s customers. Moreover, the ‘triple helix’ way of working is an enormous advantage. Brainport is known for its open way of collaboration between companies, governments and educational and knowledge institutes. This way of working speeds up the process of translating theory to practice and stimulates progress.