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Insidr, the knowledge hub for international parents to the Dutch education system

What is the Dutch education system like? Which school is right for my child(ren)? And when and how should I enroll them? These (and many more) questions come into play for international parents that recently moved to the Netherlands and Brainport Eindhoven and need to look for a school for their child(ren). 

To help parents with an international background, who are considering moving to the Brainport region or already live in the region, the new online platform, Insidr, has been created. This platform bundles all information in a clear way and in their native language. 

How can Insidr help international parents?

Brainport Development identified the need to bundle information about the Dutch education system and took the initiative to develop Insidr. Insidr is an online, non-commercial, platform with all information about the Dutch education system. The goal is to help internationals 'land' in the Brainport region by sharing information and making it accessible to everyone. 

With Insidr, international parents can easily access everything there is to know about the Dutch educational system in their native language, plus get a view of all of the schools in the region and how to understand what's the best educational path for their child(ren).

What can you find on Insidr: 

  • All the information to easily understand the Dutch education system 
  • A clear timeline of how education in the Netherlands flows
  • A personalized approach to get answers according to your child(ren) needs. 
  • An interactive map of all the schools in the Brainport region
  • Information about costs and registration 
  • Information about all the educational concepts in the Netherlands
  • Insidr information, insights, and recommendations from locals and experts


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